In increasingly complex system landscapes and processes, the question arises for every orchestration and automation tool or team as to how it will best fit in in the future. What role, responsibility and process steps should be assumed in the future? Where do I stand today and what do I need for the future? In order to address these questions and challenges, we have developed the Automic Automation Maturity Level.
The Automic Automation Maturity Level is based on our many years of experience in the implementation, optimization and operation of Automic landscapes. Building on this experience, we have developed an analysis across 4 perspectives to help you analyze and evaluate your Automic landscape and organization. Based on this, we work with you to develop an Automic vision for the future and concrete steps to realize it.
In order to obtain a complete and comprehensive view of your Automic landscape and organization, we use various sources and methods to lay the foundation for the analysis. We work with you in advance to prioritize topics and questions so that we can focus on the issues that are of particular interest and relevance to you.
We conduct interviews together with your Automic team and selected specialist teams from other areas.
Analysis of the Automic system, Automic object structures and the general structure.
Review and analysis of existing documentation regarding governance, processes, organization and structures.