Enterprise Automation for the entire company!

best4Automic Service Portal

best4Automic, Service Portal

Enterprise automation is at the heart of every business. Complex automated workflows ensure that core business functions can operate efficiently, securely and cost effectively. Only with self-services can you make the potential of your automation available to the entire enterprise.

The time is ripe for more productivity and speed of a digital enterprise.

With the b4A Service Portal, we give our customers the opportunity to get even more out of their already existing automation landscape.

The native Automic integration enables business users and other non-Automic departments to easily run your services.

The b4A Service Portal does away with technical verbiage and displays information briefly, concisely and comprehensibly for every user.

The installation is very easy. After a little preparatory work in the Automic system, you can get started right away.

We also make use of your existing ITSM and SDLC toolchain. Whether it’s housekeeping, infrastructure provisioning or other business processes – the b4A Service Portal helps you to significantly improve the user experience.

for everyone

Easily deploy any workflow as an automated service to any role in the enterprise – enterprise automation for everyone!


No Bits & Bytes – Service status messages can finally be presented in a language that business departments understand. 


With simple approval workflows, you ensure more security in automation. 


Every service in the service portal is visible at any time and in real time via the intuitive interface.


Intuitive and role-based interface that enables easy and fast operation.


Have the status of important workflows under control at all times in understandable language and symbols.

The Service Portal Dashboard

Everything at a glance

The most important services in your Automic environment, categorized by purpose. The dashboard gives you a quick overview of workflows you’re allowed to run as services, or approvals you or your assigned group should grant. 

No more calling Automic teams asking them to start a workflow or waiting for an important process to complete. The dashboard shows you the information you need as a user.

best4Automic, Service Portal, Administration, Genehmigung, Automation

Just one example from practice: Reduce daily activities to a minimum with simple approvals. best4Automic makes this possible.

best4Automic, Service Portal, Rollen
Customizable to the needs of the user

Role-based access

Provide your users with exactly the services they need and use the option of role-based approval of workflows. Don’t worry about permissions, because the Service Portal uses the Automic Automation permission system. For added security, we’ve created an easy way to further restrict services and define groups. So that users only see what they are supposed to see. 

Approvals across departmental boundaries

Integration of tasks

Notify your users in real time about approvals that are required as part of processes. This also works for workflows that were not executed via the Service Portal! Or even for tasks that affect a specific group. This means that approvals of processes or process steps are available throughout the entire company. This offers the chance to design complex processes in a completely different way or to react to user interactions. This allows you to create a new level of automation.

best4Automic, Service Portal, Integration

A great example: cross-departmental automation and interaction. This allows the automation of processes to be even better tailored to needs. 

best4Automic, Service Portal, Package, Automation
Deployment with just one click

Service Portal for developers

Access the well-known b4A Package Management Suite with all its benefits via a simple web interface. This allows you to deploy b4APackages to production with just a few clicks, error-free and without manual adjustments. 

Of course, you can also use the Service Portal to make many other services available to developers. Whether saving a b4A package in a Git repository, starting automatic tests or providing updated documentation of your b4A package in your company’s Confluence with just one click.

Select the target client, the desired b4A package and version. Done. That’s all you need to do to make a new version available in Automic.