Information about the protection of your data

Privacy Policy


The responsible party in terms of data protection laws, in particular the EU General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO), is:

best-blu consulting with energy GmbH
In the Blumentrifts 60
38226 Salzgitter

Phone: +49 5341 853 93-0
Fax: +49 5341 853 93-29

Your rights as a data subject

You can exercise the following rights at any time using the contact details:

Information about your data stored by us and its processing (Art. 15 DSGVO),
Correction of incorrect personal data (Art. 16 DSGVO),
Deletion of your data stored by us (Art. 17 DSGVO),
Restriction of data processing if we are not yet allowed to delete your data due to legal obligations (Art. 18 DSGVO),
objection to the processing of your data by us (Art. 21 DSGVO) and
Data portability, provided that you have consented to the data processing or have concluded a contract with us (Art. 20 DSGVO).
If you have given us consent, you can revoke it at any time with effect for the future.

You may at any time lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, e.g. the competent supervisory authority in the federal state of your residence or the authority responsible for us as the controller.

You can contact the supervisory authority responsible for us (for the non-public sector) at the following address: State Commissioner for Data Protection of the State of Lower Saxony.

Collection of general information when visiting our website

Nature and purpose of processing:

When you access our website, i.e., when you do not register or otherwise submit information, information of a general nature is automatically collected. This information (server log files) includes, for example, the type of web browser, the operating system used, the domain name of your Internet service provider, your IP address and the like. This is exclusively information that does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about your person.

In particular, they are processed for the following purposes:

Ensuring a smooth connection setup of the website,
Ensuring a smooth use of our website,
evaluation of system security and stability, and
for other administrative purposes.
We do not use your data to draw conclusions about your person. Information of this kind is statistically evaluated by us, if necessary, in order to optimize our website and the technology behind it.

Legal basis:

The processing is carried out in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO on the basis of our legitimate interest in improving the stability and functionality of our website.


Recipients of the data may be technical service providers who act as order processors for the operation and maintenance of our website.

Storage period:

The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected. This is generally the case for data used to provide the website when the respective session has ended.

Provision prescribed or required:

The provision of the aforementioned personal data is neither legally nor contractually required. However, without the IP address, the service and functionality of our website is not guaranteed. In addition, individual services and services may not be available or may be limited. For this reason, an objection is excluded.


Since we, as in our projects, are very committed to our customers and interested parties, we do not use cookies.  

Social Media

Our website does not use any social media plugins. It is merely a matter of forwarding to the corresponding websites. In doing so, no data is transmitted to Facebook, Twitter, Xing or LinkedIn etc. from our website. Once they use these websites, the provider processes the data according to the respective privacy policy and terms of use.


Our website provides links to YouTube videos. It is merely a matter of forwarding to the YouTube website (the best-blu YouTube channel). In doing so, no data is transmitted to YouTube from our website. Once you use YouTube, the provider processes the data according to the respective privacy policy and terms of use.

Contact form

Nature and purpose of processing:

The data you enter will be stored for the purpose of individual communication with you. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide a valid e-mail address and your name. This is used for the assignment of the request and the subsequent response to the same. The provision of further data is optional.

Legal basis:

The processing of the data entered in the contact form is based on a legitimate interest (Art 6 (1) lit. f DSGVO).

By providing the contact form, we would like to enable you to contact us in an uncomplicated manner. The information you provide will be stored for the purpose of processing the request and for possible follow-up questions.

If you contact us to request a quote, the data entered in the contact form will be processed to carry out pre-contractual measures (Art 6 (1) lit. b DSGVO).


The recipient of the data is best-blu consulting with energy GmbH.

Storage period:

Data will be deleted no later than 6 months after the request has been processed.

If a contractual relationship arises, we are subject to the statutory retention periods according to the German Commercial Code (HGB) and will delete your data after these periods have expired.

Provision mandatory or required:

The provision of your personal data is voluntary. However, we can only process your request if you provide us with your name, e-mail address and the reason for the request.

Appointment booking form (MS Bookings).

Nature and purpose of processing:

The data you enter will be stored for the purpose of individual communication with you of the appointment request and for subsequent contact. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide a valid e-mail address, your name, telephone number and company name. This data is used for the assignment of the request and the subsequent response to the same. The provision of further data is optional.

Our range of services is generally aimed at business customers. As a rule, this is therefore business contact data that has been provided to a person by his or her respective employer. We reserve the right to delete contact data if we determine that this is not the case.

Legal basis:

The processing of data entered in the contact form is based on a legitimate interest (Art 6 (1) lit. a DSGVO).

By providing the booking form, we would like to enable you to find an uncomplicated appointment. The information you provide will be stored for the purpose of processing the appointment request and for subsequent contact.


The recipient of the data is best-blu consulting with energy GmbH.

Storage period:

Data deletion takes place depending on your request and the legal requirements of the DSGVO – especially if you request us to do so. 

Provision mandatory or required:

The provision of your personal data is voluntary. However, we can only process your appointment request if you provide us with the above data.

Registration to web sessions / online events (MS Teams)

Nature and purpose of processing:

The data you enter will be stored for the purpose of individual communication with you for the organisation of web sessions or online events, such as the Automic TechTalks and other events, and for subsequent contact. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide a valid e-mail address, your name, your telephone number and the company name. This data is used to allocate the enquiry and subsequently respond to it. The provision of further data is optional.

Our range of services is generally aimed at business customers. As a rule, this is therefore business contact data that has been provided to a person by his or her respective employer. We reserve the right to delete contact data if we determine that this is not the case.

Private address data that has been voluntarily provided to us will be deleted following the web session or online event. 

Legal basis:

The processing of the data entered in the contact form is based on a legitimate interest (Art 6 (1) lit. a DSGVO).

By providing the registration form, we would like to make it easy for you to register for our online events and web sessions. The information you provide will be stored for the purpose of processing the registration and organising the event as well as for subsequent contact.


The recipient of the data is best-blu consulting with energy GmbH.

Storage period:

Data is deleted depending on your request and the legal requirements of the DSGVO – in particular if you request us to do so. 

Private address data provided to us voluntarily will be deleted no later than 6 weeks after the event. 

Provision mandatory or required:

The provision of your personal data is voluntary. However, we can only process your registration if you provide us with the above data.

Data protection in the application process

In the course of your application, you provide us with personal data in the sense of data protection law. A legal basis is required for this. This legal basis is as follows:

  • DSGVO Art. 88 para. 1
  • BDSG §26 para. 1, 2
  • Priority: Your express consent to the use of your application documents in our applicant selection process

Regardless of where your data is accessed, best-blu ensures the protection of your personal data and complies with data protection laws.

Your data will be stored in the European Economic Area in accordance with the requirements of the EU-DSGVO.


Your input of data in the online form on our website and the sending of personal data and in particular your consent to our data processing are voluntary. Your consent is required so that we can include and process your data in our applicant management system.


By entering your data, you consent to the storage and processing of your personal data within best-blu ans BTC-Group for the purpose of filling a vacancy.

The usual categories of data collected are:

  • Cover letter with contact details (telephone, mail, postal address)
  • curriculum vitae
  • Certificates and professional / technical qualification certificates

If you do not want to or cannot consent, please contact our process manager directly (see below). Please note that we cannot consider your application without your consent.

Purpose of collecting and processing your personal data
With your application, you are showing us your interest in working for our company and providing us with your personal data beyond your specific application for the purpose of filling a position.

The personal data collected from you will be used exclusively for the purpose of filling a position in the applicant selection process in order to check your suitability for the position applied for as well as alternative job offers.

Your personal data will not be made available to third parties outside of best-blu / BTC-Group, unless there is an official order to do so.


Should you no longer wish this from a certain point in time, you can send an e-mail to with your contact details for the purpose of verifying your identity. Your data will be deleted immediately after confirmation of your identity.

Access rights

As part of the application process, your data will be processed by the person responsible for recruiting at best-blu / BTC-Group as well as other authorized persons in the selection process, in particular the managers involved in the application process within the BTC-Group.

Your rights

We would like to point out that you generally have the following rights:

  • Information about your personal data
  • Correction of your personal data
  • Deletion of your personal data
  • Restriction of the processing of your personal data
  • Right to object to the processing
  • Right to data transfer

To exercise your rights, please send an email to with your contact details (identification and feedback) and, where possible, the context of your request.

If you have a reason to complain about our data processing, you can contact our data protection officer appointed in accordance with legal requirements (details below).

Retention of your personal data

We store your personal data for as long as it is necessary to carry out the application process and only for as long as you agree (revocation). If after twelve months your application is no longer part of an application process, your application documents and records as well as correspondence will be deleted.
If we are able to offer you a position in your interest, we will ask for your consent again before the end of the period and, if necessary, in consultation to update your details.

Consent of applicants (up to 15 years of age)

If you are under 16 years of age, we must insist on the consent of your legal guardian (usually your parents) by informally providing their contact details and signature on this document and enclosing it in your application documents. If you are unable to do this for valid reasons, please contact the person responsible for the process.

SSL encryption

To protect the security of your data during transmission, we use state-of-the-art encryption methods (e.g. SSL) via HTTPS.

Changes to our privacy policy

We reserve the right to adapt this privacy policy to ensure that it always complies with current legal requirements or to implement changes to our services in the privacy policy, e.g. when introducing new services. The new data protection statement will then apply to your next visit.

Questions to the data protection officer

If you have any questions about data protection, please write us an e-mail or contact the person responsible for data protection in our organization directly:

Company Data Protection Officer best-blu consulting with energy GmbH.
In the Blumentrifts 60
38226 Salzgitter
Phone: +49 5341 853 93-0



The most direct way to get in touch with us. We will be happy to take your call and help you.

Our office is open from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.

+49 (0) 5341 853 93-0


Write us. We will get back to you promptly to answer your questions.


Office Salzgitter:

In den Blumentriften 60

38226 Salzgitter

Office Bremen:

Anne-Conway-Straße 6

28359 Bremen