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Our Services

best-blu consulting with energy GmbH arbeitet in der Business Area Automation gruppenübergreifend mit der BTC AG und der BTC Schweiz zusammen. Im Rahmen dieser Kooperation können wir diverses Expertenwissen effizient bündeln und Ihnen folgende Leistungen anbieten: 

Process Consulting

As part of this technology-independent IT solution consultancy, our experts put your processes to the test strategically and methodically and work with you to develop a solution for your individual needs.

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Business Process Automation

We offer you customized automation of your business processes with suitable technologies such as Automic, Camunda or UiPath. With our own solutions best4Automic and requests4Automation, we are a key player in this field.

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Automation Services

We provide you with automation services tailored to your specific needs. With our AMS4Automic managed service, we ensure that your Automic environment and processes always run smoothly.

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Input management ensures more efficient processing of business-relevant information. In combination with Business Process Automation (BPA), entire workflows can be seamlessly digitized, which not only saves time, but also reduces errors and makes processes significantly more efficient.


Efficient document management & archiving made easy! Ensure order and quick access to your documents including dossier management with seamless integration into your existing business process management. Thanks to AI, you can now find and retrieve your documents even faster.

Test Automation

By using system robots, test automation can be carried out without in-depth know-how, independently of time and flexibly adaptable. We automate your test cases on your infrastructure and support you in planning and implementation.

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