best4Automic Git Integration

Easy handling for your version management
best4Automic, Service Portal, GIT

b4A GIT Integration

Our requirement for a Git integration? It must be easy to use and should not only store an entire client, but also contain my small or large release. It should also be possible to save different branches and development statuses. This is exactly what we have implemented with our Git Integration and this has already proven itself in several Automic Automation environments. 

We also use our Git integration for our developments and the b4A packages and are certainly one of the harshest critics. 

This Git integration completes the development cycle for you and creates more security in this way. Because with the Git Integration you can easily and with a few clicks, save the current development status, fix a problem in a current production version (without losing half-finished code or even putting it into production) and after the fix you can go back to developing the actual release. Less worries for you! 

With b4A Git Integration, the following services are available:

  • Transfer development versions to a Git repository
  • Load development versions from a Git repository
  • Create any number of development branches
  • Marking of version statuses, for example of releases
  • Determining differences between versions in the Git repository or between a status in the Git repository and the development mandates in the Automation Engine

The best4Automic Git Integration is based on b4A packages, which can be based on the structure of the Automic Action Packs. In the default preconfiguration, the structure of the Action Packs is taken into account, so that customers who already use Action Packs can start immediately.

Just one example from practice: With our b4A package for Git integration you not only get an easy way to save your current releases in a Git repository, you also get extensive information about changes.