To the point: The best4Automic Solution extends the functions of Automic Automation with its own modules. As consultants, we know many challenges that developers, users and administrators have to overcome with Automic Automation. best4Automic provides many best practices in simple functions.
Your goal is to maintain and optimize a stable automation platform. We help you with many modules to keep track and meet regulatory requirements by creating simple and automated workflows for more security and stability. We simplify migrations or even secure and traceable mass changes in Automic Automation, can analyze objects, search for obsolete objects, or even simplify user management in Automic. Our Classic bundle offers many of these features to save you time on a day-to-day basis and give you peace of mind that your environment is free of security vulnerabilities.
Just one example from practice: Reduce daily activities to a minimum with simple approvals. best4Automic makes this possible.
best4Automic simplifies the entire development process in Automic Automation. Whether providing new releases, a Git integration on package level, test automation or an automatic documentation. The package management of best4Automic simplifies the complete process, so that the developer can concentrate on the activities he is good at: The development of new and complex workflows. The rest is done by best4Automic at the push of a button. Simply select a release, deploy it to the desired client, and you’re done. No more customization. Even the test automation is done by best4Automic. And if you want to generate simple workflows, best4Automic has the right modules for you with BPMN2Workflow.
Whether Continuous Delivery, Software Pipeline or DevOps – with best4Automic, we offer you the functions that enable you to implement these goals. Simple. Automatically.
Just one of the highlights of best4Automic: Install a new package in Automic Automation in the client where it is needed. Just one click away!
Use the best4Automic Service Portal to execute your processes and keep a transparent overview of which process step your workflow is currently in. In a language that is easy and understandable for you. With best4Automic, we close the gap between business users and the automation teams, making automation available throughout the company.
Simply start a workflow. Adhoc or at a specific time. So many possibilities!
Create an automation platform and access a wide range of functions via the various options of the best4Automic Suite. Whether you use the best4Automic GUI, the Service Portal, or prefer Commandline, the use of modules in workflows or the included RESTful API of best4Automic is entirely up to you. We offer you the possibility to use automation the way you need it for your requirements.