
Dorith Wiethölter
Auszeichnung zum Implementation Expert der Broadcom
Our colleague Hans Wendel is now also a certified Broadcom "Implementation Expert".
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Zusammenarbeit von der best-blu mit der FOM Berlin
For some time now, best-blu has been cooperating with FOM Berlin. Find out more about this cooperation and its added value.
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Neues Release, best4Automic, Service Portal
The best4Automic Secret Santa workshop has been busy once again and is handing out its presents just in time. The new b4A version is here and, in addition to great new features and some bug fixes, it also comes with a completely overhauled service portal.
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best4Automic Service Portal Eingabefeld Dateiupload
The new best4Automic release 5.4 and the new best4Automic Service Portal 2.0 with many new functions will be released on December 15.
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Our colleague Udo Zaumseil is now also a certified Broadcom "Implementation Expert".
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Beitragsbild Center of Automation
Find out more about the "Center of Automation", a joint solution from best-blu and BTC.
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Our colleague Matthias Popitz is now a certified Broadcom "Implementation Expert".
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best4Automic, Service Portal, Verbesserung, Preview
At the end of the year there will be a new release of the b4A Service Portal. We are already revealing some innovations!
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Broadcom, Knight, Auszeichnung
Our colleague Kay Koll has received the high distinction of Broadcom Software Knight from Broadcom.
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