b4A Service Portal 1.2 – new functions

Recently, we already told you about a new feature of our b4A Service Portal that can relieve an entire organization. Today we would like to introduce you to more new features in the new release 1.2 of our b4A Service Portal, because our developer team not only has the technology in mind, but also the look and has also visually embellished the approval processes in Automic!

The Service Portal enables customers and departments to interact with processes in Automic. An important tool in this is the approval process. With the new version, we have added a lot of functionality to the approval process: Especially with approvals, a lot of information is important: Who started the approval? Who is currently waiting for which information? What is the current status of my permit? But also the information after the end of a process is important. So, in version 1.2, we added an additional feature that makes it possible to send the user a notification to be confirmed, for example, informing about the status of a permit or providing a summary about a process history. This can now all be tracked in one place, in the tasks area.

In addition, the user interface has been visually and functionally enhanced in a user-friendly way. Where Automic Automation only allows continuous text, the Service Portal makes it possible to display formatted text, such as bulleted lists, tables, and even emojis 😊. All in all, user-friendly operation for a better and faster overview of your processes!